On March 6, 1924, a group of interested men made their application to Grand Lodge.
From White Rock, B.C. March 6th, 1924
To: Very W. Bro. W. A. DeWolf-Smith,
Grand Secretary,
New Westminster, B.C.
Dear Sir & Brother:
Regarding our conversation with you at Union Lodge on the 5th,inst. A canvas of this district develops a prospective charter membership of twenty five and possibly thirty.
The population of White Rock, B.C. is estimated at twelve hundred, and the combined population of White Rock and surrounding district is between twenty, and twenty five hundred.
There is apparently plenty of excellent material for a masonic lodge to work on.
During the past year there have been five men from White Rock made masons in New Westminster lodges, and two members from White Rock have become members of New Westminster lodges by affiliation.
There is no suitable lodge room available at the present time, but we are in touch with a party here, who is willing and ready to erect a building and provide suitable hall space for lodge purposes, on assurance from us that we will be prepared to take a short lease on same.
We would be extremely thankful to you for any advice you could give us in this matter, and further information along these lines that you might require, we will gladly furnish.
Thanking you for your kind interest, we beg to remain,
Yours Fraternally,