Joppa Lodge #112

White Rock, British Columbia

Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any costs involved?

What is Freemasonry?

Where do the names Freemasonry, Masonry, and Free and Accepted Masons come from?

What is a lodge?

What is a Grand Lodge?

Is Freemasonry an international organization?

Is Masonry a secret organization?

What happens at a lodge meeting?

What are degrees?

What is the significance of officers’ titles?

Why does Masonry use symbols?

Do Masons engage in politics?

Is Masonry a religion?

What are the other Masonic organizations?

Can women join Masonry?

Are there Masonic organizations for youth?

Joppa Lodge #112

Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons

District 23 - Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon

15302 Pacific Avenue

White Rock, British Columbia

V4B 1P9 Canada

Lodge Hours

Regular Communications: every 2nd Thursday at 7:30 pm

Emergent Communications: every 4th Thursday at 7:30 pm

Annual Crab Night: 2nd Thursday of May at 6:30 pm

Lodge is dark July and August 

Copyright 2020 Joppa Lodge #112. All Rights Reserved. A Member of Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon
