The city of Vancouver is quickly becoming a major and desired metropolitan center.
January 12, 1933
Following a discussion concerning the painting of the Masonic Hall, it was suggested a number of the members in arrears of dues might wish to dispose of these arrears in this manner. It was left on the Secretary's desk for further consideration in February.
February 9, 1933
The matter of painting the Masonic Hall in lieu of dues was carried over to the March meeting.
March 9, 1933
Matter of the painting of the Masonic Hall was deferred for discussion in April. Letter from the Grand Secretary explained several points
* There is no relative rank as between the Stewards and should not be designated as Senior and Junior
* That the Installing Past Master was not an Officer of the Lodge and should not be included in the list of Officers.
The Fellow Craft Degree exemplified by the Worshipful Master Brother W.J. Barge with Brother B.L. Hugh acting as candidate for the Degree.
April 13, 1933
Petition for Affiliation received from Brother William Henry Keddy, member of Eastern Star Lodge No. 51 of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia was received.
Concerning the painting of the Masonic Hall, it was pointed out that insufficient funds were available to purchase materials so the matter was dropped for the time being.
March 23, 1933
March 23 Emergent Communication called by the Most Work. Grand Master James C. Beck under the direction of Right Worshipful Brother P.Y. Porter, District Deputy Grand Master, District No. 2 at the Masonic Temple, New Westminster March 23, 1933.
The following Lodges were present at the call of the Most Worshipful the Grand Master Union Lodge No. 9 De Wolf Lodge No. 78 King Solomon Lodge No. 17 Ancient Light Lodge No. 88 Lewis Lodge No. 57 Eureka Lodge No. 103 Perfection Lodge No. 75 Joppa Lodge No. 112
Worshipful Brother D. McMillan, Worshipful Master of Perfection Lodge in the Chair. Right Worshipful Brother P.Y. Porter assumed charge of the proceedings.
The Worshipful Master of each of the above Lodges was called upon to submit a report of the year's activities. It seemed the city Lodges were not immune from the general business depression which the country lodges were experiencing.
Collection of Dues was a real problem, where so many Brethren were unemployed. Better Fellowship was evident when there was less Degree work and more time devoted to social intercourse. Considerable discussion followed the reports of the attending Lodges.
May 11, 1932
Brother William Henry Keddy was elected a member of Joppa Lodge by Affiliation.
June 8, 1933
June 8 Thirteen members were granted special dues rate for the year 1933.
September 14, 1932
Election of Officers completed as follows –
Brother W.S. Huff Worshipful Master, Brother A.W. Saunders Senior Warden, Brother C.G. Bockus Junior Warden, Worshipful Brother O.R. Merklin Treasurer, Worshipful Brother J.D. MacMillan Secretary, Brother Worshipful H. Turnbull Tyler.
September 28, 1933
Installation of Officers with the absence of Right Worshipful Brother J.J. Mahoney, due to illness his duties as Installing Master were assumed by Worshipful Brother Sneff, with installation as follows –
Brother S.W. Huff Worshipful Master, Brother A.W. Saunders Senior Warden, Brother C.G. Bockus Junior Warden, Worshipful Brother W.J. Barge Installing Past Master, Worshipful Brother O.R. Merklin Treasurer, Very Worshipful Brother J.D. MacMillan Secretary, Worshipful Brother F. Hugh Chaplain, Brother J.C. Cornish Director of Ceremonies, Brother S.C. Hoer Senior Deacon, Brother J.W. Champion Junior Deacon, Brother A.K. Hancock Inner Guard, Brother B.L. Hugh Steward, Brother R.S. Harris Steward, Brother H.A. Beaumont Organist, Brother W.H. Turnbull Tyler.
October 12, 1933
A petition for initiation received from Mr. Arnold Forbes.
November 9, 1933
Daniel Bagley of Lodge No. 238, Seattle, WA invited Joppa Lodge to exemplify the Entered Apprentice Degree on November 25, 1933. As Joppa Lodge was unable to accept this invitation, regrets were personally delivered by Worshipful Brother F. Hugh to the Master of the Seattle Lodge.
Charter member Brother Gordon Thomson passed away and while he had demitted, he had remained a good friend of Joppa Lodge in a financial way.
December 14, 1933
Right Worshipful Brother R.C. Galer, District Deputy Grand Master accompanied by a number of Grand Lodge Officers made his official visit.
Mr. Arnold Forbes was instructed in the work of the Entered Apprentice Degree.