joppa lodge white rock bloody sunday 1938

Joppa History – 1938

  • February 2, 2020

The depression comes to a head on Vancouver's Bloody Sunday in the form of violent protest. 

March 10, 1938

Brother B. Hugh and fifteen Brethren visited Park Lodge. The Annual Joppa Lodge birthday party was approved for the year.

April 14, 1938

Right Worshipful Brother J.E. MacKenzie, District Deputy Grand Master District No. 2, paid his official visit. Sum of $100.00 and interest applied on the mortgage. By-Law amendment - Seventy-five dollars payable as follows - On Application $25.00, for the first degree $50.00 - this was deferred to a later meeting. Brother Donald Spencer, member of King Solomon Lodge was examined in the work of the Entered Apprentice Degree and later instructed in the work of the Fellow Craft Degree. Right Worshipful Brother J.E. MacKenzie gave a short account of the beginnings of Freemasonry in British Columbia.

May 12, 1938

Notice of Grand Lodge to be held at Nelson, B.C. in the Civic Centre June 23 at 930 am. Brother George W.A. Smith of Cloverdale petition for affiliation ballot resulted in his being declared elected to Joppa Lodge.

June 9, 1938

The motion to amend the by-laws change to section 22 to read as follows:

The fee for the three degrees shall be seventy-five dollars payable as follows - On application $25.00 For the first degree $50.00 Unanimously defeated.

September 8, 1938

Election of Officers as follows Brother A.K. Hancock Worshipful Master, Brother B.L. Hugh Senior Deacon, Brother L.J. Burton Junior Warden, Right Worshipful Brother O.R. Merklin Treasurer, Worshipful Brother C.G. Bockus Secretary, Worshipful Brother A.J. Smith Tyler.

Brother B.L. Hugh reported on Dinner at Vancouver Hotel for Representatives of Grand Lodges of England, Scotland and Ireland.

September 29, 1938

Installation of Officers under the direction of Worshipful Brother C.G. Bockus, as follows –

Brother A.K. Hancock Worshipful Master, Brother B.L. Hugh Senior Warden, Brother L.J. Burton Junior Warden, Worshipful Brother J.W. Champion Installing Past Master, Right Worshipful Brother O.R. Merklin Treasurer, Worshipful Brother C.G. Bockus Secretary, Worshipful Brother W.S. Huff Chaplain, Worshipful Brother W.J. Moffatt Director of Ceremonies, Brother L.E. Carlisle Senior Deacon, Brother S.F. Partlo Junior Deacon, Brother W.J. McCubbin Inner Guard, Brother R.W. Stauller Steward, Brother G.W.A. Smith Steward, Worshipful Brother A.W. Saunders Organist, Worshipful Brother A.J. Smith Tyler.

Right Worshipful Brother F.G. Rump, DDGM, District No. 2 presented Worshipful Brother Champion with his Past Master's Jewel.

December 8, 1938

Mr. Henry B. MacNaughton and Mr. James Stevens, Jr. were instructed in the mysteries of the Entered Apprentice Degree.
