joppa lodge white rock world war 2 1940

Joppa History – 1940

  • February 2, 2020

World War Two - Hundreds of men leave friends and family behind to join England in the fight. 

February 8, 1940

Worshipful Brother Fox, Eureka Lodge No. 103 gave an address regarding educational committee work and the substitute word W to E, E to Worshipful

April 11, 1940

Right Worshipful Brother W.P. Philps, District Deputy Grand Master District No. 2, made his Official visit to Joppa Lodge, observed a few moments silence in respect of Most Worshipful Brother J.S. Henderson who had passed away since the last meeting.

Brother H.C. Greame of King Solomon Lodge No. 17 was instructed in the mysteries of the Fellow Craft Degree.

May 9, 1940

Brother Worshipful Taylor (late of Perfection Lodge No. 75) became a member of Joppa Lodge by Affiliation. A report on the death of Worshipful Brother C. Stuart of Kulshan Lodge No. 156 Blaine, WA.

June 13, 1940

Brother Partlo attended a meeting at Mount Zion Lodge No. 120 on the occasion of his father Worshipful Brother S.C. Partlo being presented with his 50-year certificate.

September 13, 1940

Election of Officers as follows –

Brother L.J. Burton Worshipful Master, Brother L.E. Carlisle Senior Warden, Brother F.S. Partlo Junior Warden, Right Worshipful Brother O.R. Merklin Treasurer, Worshipful Brother C.G. Bockus Secretary, Worshipful Brother B.L. Hugh Installing Past Master, Worshipful Brother S.C. Hoer Tyler.

Moved and seconded that 1939-1940 dues for Brother R.S. Harris who had joined the colors be remitted - motion carried.

Brother L.H. Bagg reported being confined to Shaughnessy Hospital with eye trouble.
